Aimee K. Shaw wrote a new post 2 years, 2 months ago
As the Western consciousness of shamanism increases there is an increasing interest and discussion around the concepts of shamanism. Within that discussion there seems to be a lot of misunderstanding, confusion, and disagreement about what a shaman is, what…
Aimee K. Shaw wrote a new post 5 years, 2 months ago
There’s a running joke in my family about how I see everything as “shamanic.” Perhaps there is some validity to this, as we do tend to see…
Aimee K. Shaw wrote a new post 5 years, 9 months ago
Aimee K. Shaw wrote a new post 6 years, 2 months ago
Conversion of St. Paul by Michelangelo Merisi (Caravaggio)
Shamanic initiation is perhaps one of the most misunderstood aspects of the shamanic path. Information on it is either closely guarded, or accounts of it are so individualized…
Aimee K. Shaw wrote a new post 6 years, 3 months ago
When I first watched The Work I was profoundly moved. Without giving any spoilers (The Urban Shaman reviewed The Work, if you’re not familiar with it), I’ll just say that there’s one scene in particular that is noteworthy and offers…
Aimee K. Shaw wrote a new post 6 years, 4 months ago
I got turned onto The Departure by a colleague who told me about the screening and following panel discussion in Austin, Texas. The entire theater was filled with psychotherapists, primarily because that’s the audience the screening was promoted to….
Raven Belote and
Aimee K. Shaw are now friends 6 years, 5 months ago
Aimee K. Shaw posted in the group Music That Inspires You 6 years, 8 months ago
This speaks on so many levels.
Aimee K. Shaw posted in the group ShamanViews 6 years, 8 months ago
Aimee K. Shaw wrote a new post 6 years, 8 months ago
Perhaps it is my rebellious spirit warrior nature that questions everything. I don’t know if this is an asset or a detriment, but I do know that it often puts me out of the status quo of whatever circle…
The Urban Shaman and
Aimee K. Shaw are now friends 6 years, 8 months ago
Aimee K. Shaw posted in the group ShamanViews 6 years, 8 months ago
This morning I had a very intense online conversation about duality and possession, and all these nasty little things the New Age spiritual community does NOT like to talk about. * dusting off hands *
And this evening I purused (a rare event here) the Netiflix catalog and came across this: https://youtu.be/eKjF05yXlks (Belief: The Possession of…[Read more]
Aimee K. Shaw posted in the group The Urban Shaman Discussion Group 6 years, 8 months ago
My article/thesis on why urban shamans must be alchemists went live today.
https://theurbanshaman.online/why-the-urban-shaman-must-be-an-alchemist/What do you think? Did this raise ideas, questions, resistance?
Why do you think our standards are higher for urban shamans? Does power and our concepts of our own power contribute to the…[Read more]
Aimee K. Shaw posted in the group Music That Inspires You 6 years, 8 months ago
So the deal is that apparently whatever song was #1 on your 14th birthday is your life theme song. Hey, I don’t make the rules. But it was kinda fun to go on that goose-hunt.
One December 14th, 1986 the #1 song, according to Billboard was Walk Like an Egyptian. 🤣
Aimee K. Shaw wrote a new post 6 years, 8 months ago
Embrace of the Serpent is fictionalized biography, but if you’ve seen the film then you came to know the starring shaman, Karamakate, as an angry, suspicious, impatient, racist, and sometimes petty man who withheld healing on the basis of…
Aimee K. Shaw posted in the group ShamanViews 6 years, 8 months ago
I just wanted to share, if you happen to be an Amazon Prime member, The Departure is now streaming free as part of your membership privilege. I plan on doing a review of this profound docu for The Urban Shaman. It’s a story of a boddhistava and his work with suicidal Japanese people- basically, the story of a Wounded Healer/Shaman and how he…[Read more]
Aimee K. Shaw posted in the group Music That Inspires You 6 years, 8 months ago
Okay. One more. Once I get on a roll, I don’t stop.
You’ll quickly learn I am all about #soul
Aimee K. Shaw posted in the group Music That Inspires You 6 years, 8 months ago
You tell me. Shamana? Angel?
Are these things one and the same sometimes?
She inspires me because I feel like I totally get her. This is one of my favorite songs of hers.
Aimee K. Shaw posted in the group Music That Inspires You 6 years, 8 months ago
Some people will say this is “dark”, as if that makes it less spiritual. And still others will say that there’s no shamanic lineage in, say, Ireland. 😉
People who say that are entirely ignorant about history and human movement pattterns. The Vikings got around. My third and fourth and fifth generation ancestors were from the Waterford, Ireland…[Read more]
Shamanic/archaic revival is happening all over the world- not just in the U.S.
So be encouraged! #shamanstrong #united
1 shaman to 100 people = 76,000 shamans needed. (Based on the fact that 7.6 billion people inhabit the earth). (http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/). And let me tell you, 100 people is a heavy load. But okay. Let’s do…[Read more]
I actually felt relieved when I heard it. It’s exactly my kind of thing. I was worried about posting more videos because I felt I was too dark!
As for the the Vikings, I agree with you. They got a lot of places: Greenland, Russia, they even served as merceneries for the Byzantine Emperor. I grew up in a part of England that was conquered by the…[Read more]
Hahaha! 😉
I suspect a lot of people who are now feeling the impulse and are “white” actually have Norse DNA. 😉 We’re being re-activated. <3 Yep- those Vikings sure did get around. That was their karmic mission, I do believe. And they paid a heavy price for it. So thanks be to the ancestors. It is on their shoulders we stand!
Aimee K. Shaw and
Beatrix are now friends 6 years, 8 months ago
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I think you’re really on to something. I’ve spent quite some time trying to understand the mythological expressions and translate them for myself in order to understand them in a contemporary way. They are “science” with a symbolical expression just as our time’s science are full of symbolical language that we understand today but will become…[Read more]