The Urban Shaman posted in the group The Urban Shaman Discussion Group 6 years ago
Andrew Camargo of the School of Modern Soul Science offered his wisdom and knowledge in discussing the shamanic archetype and alchemy, spiritual warfare, and the role of Ego in shamanic expression. He also offered a modern definition of shamanism. Do you have any questions or insights to offer TUS readers after taking in this profound interview?
I found it very interesting, but I think “we need to discuss” oneness and dualism a bit further 🙂 The concept of oneness doesn’t end with solipsism, if so that’s just a “paradox wall” that hides what oneness is for the searcher of truth. Dualism exists because oneness is what allows anything to exist. It doesn’t end with a dualistic limit of the universe unless that limit is acknowledged. The paradox is that nothing exists unless there are acknowledged limits, and so, limits create variety. The solution of the paradox is that limits are things of choice and free will. Dualism is our default setting which we by choice may apply our free will upon. Any investigation of which is which and more genuine than the other is merely a documentation of a present choice. That’s static. There are the dynamic side to it as well. Any failure to reveal the nature of the dynamic prescence is because of a static assumption giving room for the failure. To avoid the paradox, I suggest the static assumption that everything is true. This then becomes truth as it is a limitation (it excludes that which may be deeemed false), and the experience will adapt accordingly. This may provide what’s needed to see beyond a present static situation. And from there we may return into the limitations of our choice from a more enlightened position of making those choices. Oneness is the zero-point of nothing as in everything, the empty cup. Then we exclude, and what’s not excluded becomes present.