The Urban Shaman is proud to sponsor artists who have a visionary passion. In essence, all art is visionary, as it comes from an 'inner eye' that seeks to express what it sees. The artists we feature represent a range of styles, techniques, mediums, and subject matter.
We are excited to present you the art of SOHA:
1. "Initiation"
Medium: Pen on paper.
Initiation is a drawing of my experiences with my own internal struggle facing myself and my relationship with divinity. It started some years ago but the culmination has been a very shamanistic type of journey which led me to a state where I basically had to psychologically be 'reborn'. The demons or creatures of destruction energy, they are climbing up the snake and represent the necessary harassment for change I had to face, and the testing I faced. The snake is a universal symbol for well a lot of things but here it is: transmutational change. It eats the part of me that I thought I was; in order to leave a new freer version that is more connected to the Source of all things or 'God'. The wolf is my testing angel and my shadow self. The women in the sun is my higher self, and the blue creature is my life spark, my true self, my astral body and the part of me that awakened fully when I severed the link to old understanding and embraced a new vision of reality.
2. "Cybersoul"
3: "Antares, Guardian of the West"
This image was a drawing that I created after seeing a beautiful image taken from space of Antares. And around the star is this swirl of shapes that to me.. looked like a type of guardian creature. Antares is one of the Royal Stars and it has so much history and mythology surrounding it. So I attempted to see the Guardian creature that my minds eye saw when I looked at that image from space, and draw it.
To see more of SOHA's work, or to support through commerce, visit: