Shamanic Practitioner
Soul having a human experience
The following is channeled material through Psychic-Medium and Shamanic Practitioner, Derrek Becker. While in a trance state, Derrek acts as a bridge between Spirit and this world to channel information from his collective higher-self who go by the name, Spencer. In the following two sessions, Spencer brings through information on the nature of reality and time from the higher perspective of Spirit.
Session: October 10th, 2018
BEGIN 1:53pm
Perhaps, it is time that we begin our discussion on the nature of reality and that which binds it. You see, reality, in your terms, must be discussed in relationship to time and to space, for without time or space, your reality could not and can not exist. It is our hope that we will be able to communicate this subject in a manner that can be well received and well understood by both you and the reader. You see, we are asking you to expand your understanding of reality beyond the normal thought patterns that exist in your physical consciousness. We are asking you to open up to the possibilities of what is rather than holding tightly to your belief of what you think reality is. We can assure you, it is far beyond the concepts of what your society may have you to believe.
Before time was time and before space was space, there existed only one concept: Oneness. This concept still exists, of course, but it has been subverted to the concept of “I” and “me”. This separation of “we” or the oneness of what is, is what created this three-dimensional physical existence you refer to as reality. It is true that this reality is real and is valid, however, the reality that exists along side of, beyond, and before this one, can not be denied.
You see, your three-dimensional reality is subjected to the idea of linear time, and it is within this linear time constraint that your experiences exist. Your past exists in a memory; your future exists in a day dream; and your present exists only now. And it is within this present moment that all desires and expressions of oneself can manifest. This, however, is not the truest expression of reality, for time is merely a concept created by those that wish to control experience. Allow us to explain further:
Your species created the concept of hours, minutes, and seconds as a byproduct of chaos. The perceived chaos of the world in which you live was but a catalyst for perceived time. You see, if you could understand existence in even as small of a way as “time” or “cataloged forward motion”, you gain control. This perceived control over time itself gave way to linear experiences that could not give way to spontaneity. When spontaneity is present, there is more room for perceived chaos and it is within this perceived chaos that vulnerability emerged. As vulnerability emerged, so did anticipation or the concept of future tense. This anticipation of future events mostly served to disconnect you from your present moment. You see, this was the natural evolution of three-dimensional reality for expansion is inevitable.
Expansion exists as a concept of movement: movement of ideas that move into feelings. Those feelings move into reactions. Those reactions move into self-preservations. Self-preservation moves into protection. That protection moves into isolation. Isolation moves into self-identification. And self-identification moves into me-against-them. “Them”, of course, being the nature of reality itself, for the nature of reality is inclusive by design. The nature of reality is simply stated as Oneness.
It is no accident that the concept of linear time presented itself in this time-space reality. This linear time constraint will, in many ways, aid in the expansion of your soul. You see, when you are able to master the concept of linear time, you ALWAYS do so in the present moment. It is in this present moment that all probable realities exist to you. These probable realities - the ones that manifest that which you desire - are as accessible to you as the cheese danish you ate for breakfast! When one finds themselves in the present moment, they become the master of their reality. When they are present, not only are they open to all and any possibilities and probabilities, they are also in alignment with the universal truth of Oneness! This Oneness, the Oneness of you and I and we, expresses itself over and over again through your eyes!
Please allow us to continue… when you are able to experience the present moment, meaning you are not thinking about the past or daydreaming about the future, you have access to All That Is and All That Is has access to you. You see, Spirit (or All That Is) is an extension of you which you have access to in each-and-every moment of each-and-every day. It is also within this present moment that the nature of reality presents itself to you in the most vibrant of ways! It allows you to glimpse the deep layers of what is.
You see, there are those of you who may read these words and experience a deep feeling of resistance or disbelief - that this can not be. It is this resistance that begs you to stay in your own “I” or “Me” identity. It is this false identity, or idea of separateness, that actually prevents you from connecting to Spirit in the first place. When you are more able, or more willing rather, to accept the destruction of your own self-identity, you may begin to fully integrate into the Oneness of Being. This Being, of course, is Spirit.
END 2:42pm
Session: October 13th, 2018
BEGIN 10:58am
Allow us continue… time exists as it should - unconstrained. Unconstrained time looks much different from the constrained linear time that most of you experience. You see, time, as a construct, cannot be contained. It is ambiguous by nature. It wishes to move forward or backwards or both at the same time. It is the eb and flow of reality itself. You see, you may catch glimpses of this construct when you are in the dream scape for this is your most receptive energetic state. In the dream scape, time can be both future tense and past tense, or present if you wish. It can be both and/or all. You see this when a dead loved one visits you in dream.
Outside of dream scapes, time is but a processing point. This processing point allows for experiences to manifest themselves and play themselves out if you will…. This processing point becomes the reference point, or an energetic connection. This energetic connection, the point in which you call “time”, is misinterpreted by denser states of vibratory existence, as expressed by this three-dimensional, physical reality. Humans have misunderstood this energetic reference point for much of your existence, you see. The energetic expression of an experience is labeled as “a point in time” and in the moment that something is labeled, it becomes cataloged. This catalog becomes calendars, clocks, sundials, facebook timelines, etc.
You must understand that the moment something is labeled, it becomes separated or cataloged as other. It becomes separated from your Being - the being of Oneness. As Oneness gives way to Me and the self identifying Me agrees to the concept of linear time, then YOU become more and more disconnected from All That Is. In order for you to be reconnected to We, you MUST be willing to risk the destruction of your own identity! It is within this destruction, or dissociation with the concept of Self, that you will integrate back in with the great Knowing and become the fullest expression of your core essence - your SOUL. It is important to express that we are not advocating a physical self destruction, rather we are advocating for the letting go of the personality construct you identify with as YOU.
Your personality construct is the manifestation of your self identity. It is this personality construct that binds you to this physical three-dimensional space and time. It is the personality that expresses itself through your physical manifestation - your body - and is a product of a belief in linear time and space. It’s a belief that time cannot exist out of space, nor can space can exist out of time, for both are constant - neither of which are true from a higher perspective. Your reality is experienced through this personality construct and it is through this lens that all life is experienced. Let us continue….if one were to experience life through the lens of a victim, you would only see victimhood through this lens. And the same would be true if you saw life through the lens of a criminal - you would only see crime and punishment. You see, it is when you remove this veil of illusion - this stripping away of layers of self and societal constructs - that more veils reveal themselves, only to also be removed. The most relevant phrase in your vocabulary to describe this idea of removing the veil is: a deepening self awareness.
It is through self-awareness that you may find the truest expression of your Soul Self - the most authentic version of you. It is this authentic self that is in-line with your highest good and highest expression of your personality construct. It is the expression that is most in line with Oneness. The compass to find the truest expression of yourself is through the lens of only love and compassion. Part of the human experience, however, is an agreement to linear time. So, this means that while you may glimpse experiences outside of time and space, either through dream, meditation or trance states, you can not live outside of space and time while you are manifested in Human form. Those who have lived outside of time and space are known as Ascended Masters. You my dear ones, have access to this this as well.
It is with this we leave you. May you dream often and may you dream well.
END 11:52am